Another day, 3 more states, 800 more miles...
Sunday, April 15th.........woke up and got ready to hit the road again. I was in southwestern Alabama! trucked on through, the countryside is no beautiful..oh did I mention it was raining, yeah it was freaking raining. Went through the corner of Georgia, oh my god Georgia is gorgeous!!! Any ways, then it was forever to get through dumb ol Tennessee...and thats when the rain really started! It was so damn windshield wipers could hardly keep up. And having to pass a trucker, it was just a water blurry.
I stopped about 2 miles inVirginia to pee..and it started to hail. About 2 minutes later, snow. It wasn't cold enough for it to stick, but none-the-less, it was snowing! The rain never stopped all day, jsut kept getting harder. Most of the eastern coast is flooded right now. Monday morning, no rain, now just freezing temps with superman strength winds!

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