The Last 10 days: July 2nd
So the day before u got up at o-dark-thirty, walked around all day, got home late, went to bed even does one follow that up? Go shooting of course!
Tagged along out to Metcalfe with Armen to meet up with Alan & Lance. Lucky for us the weather was very mild, dare I say down right beautiful!
I started out on the pistol range with my .357. I handed it over to Alan and he had the seer re-worked. It holds alot better now. Defintely safer! Also fired a few on the Sig..but I hate that gun. I never have any consistency with it, dont know what my problem is.

A good pic of Kirk (top) on the new FAL I didnt shoot it, but the word from everyone was that it was "dead on". Have to try it out next time.
And Armen with the 700 something or another...dont remember! I usually stay away form the big guns, but I tried it out. It was the end of the day, last 4 rounds left....but I really liked it.
Tagged along out to Metcalfe with Armen to meet up with Alan & Lance. Lucky for us the weather was very mild, dare I say down right beautiful!
I started out on the pistol range with my .357. I handed it over to Alan and he had the seer re-worked. It holds alot better now. Defintely safer! Also fired a few on the Sig..but I hate that gun. I never have any consistency with it, dont know what my problem is.

A good pic of Kirk (top) on the new FAL I didnt shoot it, but the word from everyone was that it was "dead on". Have to try it out next time.
And Armen with the 700 something or another...dont remember! I usually stay away form the big guns, but I tried it out. It was the end of the day, last 4 rounds left....but I really liked it.
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