Annette told me about a ride going on today so I joined in. Met the group up in Daly City and took off from there. We headed down hwy 1 to Pescadero first. It was pretty chilly and foggy on the way, thankfully I have to super duper Helimot glove finger squeegy! :)
From Pescadero we joined up with 84 and then made a stop at STP. After some good posing, we headed off down 35 to 9 to Boulder Creek for lunch. It was frickin hot by then so being inside with the gear off and a soda on the table was absolute heaven, and well the food, company and coversation was ok too :p
10lbs heavier, we set off to get back to hwy 1 taking the George deluxe adventure route. I hate Ice Cream Grade, thats all I have to say about that.
A quick pit stop for gas then back on the road. I departed from the group when we hit 92 in Half Moon bay. Traffic was at its peak, but once on 280 it was full throttle all the way home.....and I was so happy to be home. I was hot, tired, my butt hurt, my knees ached....all cured by a nice nap with the kittens :)
So big thanks to Jason for organizing this ride, Annette for inviting me, and George and Andrew and the other peeps who split at Alices. I had a really great day.
obligatory poser bike pic:

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