Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Last 10 days: July 8th

Was supposed to go paintballing today, but after drinking too much last night, those plans got axed. Instead had a very lazy morning (much needed too if u ask me) and the went over to Armen's house for some quality momma and kitten time.

The cats are definitley doing better since the last time I saw them. Jospehina seems to be well adjusted and does as she pleases. Kitten is still a little hesitant and not quite his normal "I'm tops around here" self. Daytona slinks around when he sees new people, then reverts back to his hiding spot under the side table. I spent a lot of time with each of them, and I love it when kitten gets comfortable and whines for his momma.

The rest of the afternoon was really just prepping for dinner. Had to go buy the prime rib, but the store only had two pretty pathetic cuts out. I talked to the butcher and he was nice enough to make me a fresh cut. He even cut back and tied the bones for me. Seven pounds later it was a mad rush to get that thing inthe oven! Note to self: never wait til 5 o'clock to put a prime rib in the oven! Dinner was finally ready a little late, but it worked out. There was a lot of food, and by making everyone wait, they were sure to be hungry!

Fat and happy, we went on a walk around the complex to kick start the digestion process. When we came back it was time for dessert. My mom made a "better than sex" cake. I myself, find the concept unappetizing. You start with a basic chocolate cake. Poke holes into it and drizzle in a layer of caramel. Top with whip cream and Heath candy bar chunks. Everyone else may love it, but to me thats pure ick! Anyways, its Kirk's birthday on the 12th, so add a few candles and we all sing.


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