Phase V
howdy yesterday my company phased...basically meaning we get added privileges.
Started out the morning with a company run in our new phase t-shirts. then after a half day of classes we got released, and Bravo Company went buck wild. Its amazing what some civies and non-defac food can do for morale. Most everyone went to the PX to buy uneccessary crap, then off to the Ho-cienda well for ho-ing!! hahahaha....the drills didnt lie to us, its straight up a place for soldier medics to drink and be big fat ho's. they were all over the place dry humping eachother, too funny. Unfortunately there were too many under age drinkers when the drill sergeant decided to pop in, so it was back to the CTA for a drunken smoke session. I didnt participate in many of the exercises or I'd be puking..also my civies didnt exactly support me jumping around :p
pics of FSH to follow hopefully next week!
Started out the morning with a company run in our new phase t-shirts. then after a half day of classes we got released, and Bravo Company went buck wild. Its amazing what some civies and non-defac food can do for morale. Most everyone went to the PX to buy uneccessary crap, then off to the Ho-cienda well for ho-ing!! hahahaha....the drills didnt lie to us, its straight up a place for soldier medics to drink and be big fat ho's. they were all over the place dry humping eachother, too funny. Unfortunately there were too many under age drinkers when the drill sergeant decided to pop in, so it was back to the CTA for a drunken smoke session. I didnt participate in many of the exercises or I'd be puking..also my civies didnt exactly support me jumping around :p
pics of FSH to follow hopefully next week!