So this has probably been one of the most dramatic weekends ever!! First the boy tells me he is getting deployed....worry, worry, worry, freak out. Later that same day he tells that he's #6 on a list of medics to go and they only need 4....phew, crisis averted. Can't leave well enough alone, next night he tells me that he's pretty much volunteering to go becasue its something that he has to do. Freak out, freak out. Oh, I should mention that that last conversation happened while I was driving from work to San Francisco to see Hillary (whom I havent seen in more than 2 years!) So a total wreck now, been crying for a good 40 miles...and I am horrible to be around. I felt so bad, here my friend is only in town for 2 days and I spend no time with her. Any ways, once I got to the Pig, I immediately left because my head just wasn't right. I called Annette and she told me to come pick her up. Which was good because she helps me not be my miserable self. So we go back to the Pig and have a few drinks. Now I haven't had any alcohol in quite sometime, so only two drinks later I'm a full fledged retard. :) We won't even go into how I called a guy out and almost totally got my ass kicked due to mistaken identity!! HA HA OK, next day..head hurts, totally dehydrated from crying all night....have to get up early and get to Armen's house for a ride out to Capitola. I must admit though, being on the bike was quite therapeutic. Angry riding isnt really reccommended, but damn it feels good. Once in Capitola, btw it was frickin HOT!, I check my phone and have a missed call from the boy. If things weren't already bad enough, he got into some major trouble the night before and his leave got pulled. So no more Thanksgiving together. No chance of a Christmas together, no chance of anythign together for a long ass time. I was already not too great to be around, and now it was even worse. After lunch, on the ride home, I was doing ok. In helmet self conversations can really screw you up, but I was actually avoiding my brain for a good while. And I was even quite happy with how I was riding....then it all went to hell. I totally blew a turn, let Armen go past me, and it was all shit from there on out. My concentration was totally gone. I slowed to nearly 20mph, and just crept my way through. It was ugly.
After the ride I went home, and just wanted to wallow in my misery. I called Annette to let her know I was gonna be flaking on plans....but thankfully she talked me out of it. I took a good nap, and then got ready for the evening. Maggie was having a cocktail party, and Annette was right, being around friends, even if I had to pretend to be ok, was a lot better than sulking at home. And I did end up having a pretty good night. Barbara's concoction was by far the best drink that night, with and without alcohol in it. Met a newbie/DJ/cop wannabe/irish dancer named Brian LOL ahhhh that boy. HAHAHAHAHA Any ways, I didnt get home and in bed until about 0330, and I've been feeling the pain since. Though my cheeseburger breakfast did make me feel rather spectacular for a hot minute. :)