I picked up the GSXR on Thursday. When I was riding it home, well I was so frickin scared. The bike would just not turn. It was like I was making zig zag movements to get through a turn. When I braked it was all wobbly, so then I was scared to pick up any speed incase I had to stop fast. Oh and the undertail exhaust....it was so hot!! I kept feeling my butt at the stop lights to see if I was on fire LOL
So the GSXR was tucked away in mom's garage until I could get her to Stan's house for a little work. Then came Friday! This kid in my english class wanted some assistance changing the gauge lights on his TLR. So I ended up rolling his bike into my living room and pulling an all nighter getting it all together again. That bike was filthy! I don't even want to get into how disgusting the chain was.

A dumb fuck asked me why I didn't check the pressure before taking it home from the seller's house........
After we ate a little pizza and watched part of a weird ass movie, I took the bike home. This was the bestest, most funnest ride I have been on in a looooooong time!!! She is so fast, so smooth, did I mention she was fast??? I LOVE THAT BIKE!too bad it's not really mine :(

Aight, that rolls us into Sunday now. Went with mom to the commissary and then did some parking lot cone practice with the Hot Cop and Bryan. I gotta say I wasn't comfortable doing it cause I felt all super self conscious, especially since I barely had 20 miles on the GSXR, but I realized that it was fun and that I did learn a bunch. I think I might go get myself some cones and do that more often......After cone practice, I went over to moms and helped her with her nursing homework.
This finally brings us to Monday. Started out the day going to the gym with mom. It was a good workout! I need to find time to do it more often, I miss it. For lunch we went to Bennihana's. Delicious! When lunch was over I headed up to Motostrano to pick up the new exhaust I bought for the SV. I got a Yosh RS-3, same as what I had on my last SV. It sounded great so why change the formula?
Trying to install the Yosh, well that was epic fail. I though it would be easy peasy, but alas it was not. I got rather pissy and left it alone after that. Today (Wednesday) I had Shawn (elskipador) come over and put it on properly for me. She looks and sounds amazing!! I'm such a whore, in love with two different bikes LOL
Well, thats been my week of all things moto related. Oh, btw, I took the GSXR up to 130 on tuesday. She took it like it was nothing. I ran out of road other wise we coulda gone way higher. :D