My Third Bike

2003 Suzuki SV650S

Ahhh, my baby. I love my SV! My friend Brad sent me a pic of the SV in early 2003. I saved the pic as "my xmas wish". Looking at that bike everyday is what finally made me get off my arse and sign up for MSF. When the time came to upgrade to a sportbike, I knew the only bike I was going to even consider was the SV. I picked up my SV on June 17th, 2004. After a few laps around my friend Dave's neighborhood, I was ready to test her out. It took me about a two months to get comfortable riding her and getting used to higher speeds. This bike does not like to go slow! So far my top speed is 112mph. I could go a little faster, but I need more open road...I've been doing my speed demon trials on 101 south (not a good idea).
3500 miles later, we're still doing great. I had one small incident up at 4 corners, which resulted ina new clutch lever, shift peg and bar end weighter. I just ordered a fender eliminator kit, to clean her up a little, and pretty soon she'll be due for a new set of tires! I am not planning to make any mods to my bike, I lover her just the way she is!