Monday, November 28, 2005


One day back to work and so busy!

next year is gonna be a killer though. Work, plus school, plus I want to find a part time job for evenings / weekends, and with all that when am i gonna find time to go to the gym?
The stress is mounting and I havent even started school yet!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

A night out in SF....

So for whatever reason, my mom lets my 15 yr. old brother go to this all ages club in SF to see some heavy / death metal bands play. God knows when I was 15 there was no chance in hell she would be driving me out to SF for a concert!!
Anyways, dont want my mom spending 4+ hours alone in the city while she waits for the concert to end, so I drive up with them. Last night we dropped my brother off around 7:30ish... we had previously decided that we would go to the Metreon afterwards. Neither of us had ever been. I had parked in the garage across the street once, but thats the closest I had ever come.
Well, the place is awesome! So cool! The shops the had were very neat, and had a bunch on interesting (but expensive) items to look at. We ate at one of the restaurants on the first floor...really good food. The "food court" is laid out in a mall-style, but the food quality is much better. I had a platter called the Ceasar Pleaser (tri-tip steak and ceasar salad), and my mom had this really good oriental sald calle dthe Yik-Yak.
After dinner we walked around inside a little bit, then walked around down Market Street. We saw a bunch of lights and some crew near one of the BART street entrances. Turns out they were filming a scene for the new Will Smith movie called "Pursuit of Happiness." We stuck around for a while, but then I finally talked my mom into heading to the Old Navy store. With 20 minutes to closing, I did some speed shopping! They had some great sale items, so I made out with 3 shirts and a pair of overalls :)
The time now was about 10:30ish and we still had to kill some time before my brothers concert ended. My mom decided that we should go back and see about the Will Smith movie. We waited, and waited...and waited...and eventually the cameras rolled, and Will Smith popped out (total of about 20 seconds!) and then it was over.
It took alot of begging but I got my mom to leave the movie "set" and we headed off to Max's Opera House Cafe for coffee and dessert. We got back to the club around 12:30ish and my picked up my brother, headed home and I was snug in my bed at 1:30am

I had just the best time last night!!!

Friday, November 11, 2005


Happy Veterans Day Yo!

ahhhh....what a busy couple of weeks I have had!
First there was the whole, I need to find a job thing. I put little effort into it, as I was loving the freedom I had, and getting to the gym every morning by 9am was pretty sweet too! Any ways, I did end up getting placed via temp agency at this one office. I liked the job, outlook was good. Then the agency threw a whammy at me and pulled me from the job. What a fantastic deal it ended up being for me though:) Since the temp agency dropped me, the company just hired me direct the following week! Awesome! Now I am a regular employee, no more temp agency BS!
And I do like my new job. The company has been around since 1947 or somewhere around then. It's employee owned, and the majority owner has been working there since 1959! But the people are really nice, the benefits are great, I really lucked out.

In other news, Ken has been staying with me. He was just gonna hang out for the weekend while his parents moved, but their new place wasnt working out too well for my little cripple :( So I am the Ken caretaker for now. It's kinda like practice for if or when I become a nurse, or have kids :p Ken says this is like a test run for him, so he knows what he'll be like when he's 80!

I guess thats about it in Farahland. I've been rather busy, a little over-tired, and stressed, but I think after next week I'll be able to get back into a routine.

later yo.