Friday, November 19, 2004
this week has been filled with nothing but bullshit. You let yourself forget for one single moment that people suck, and they instantly begin reminding you.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Stupidity in its purest form
"peedubb wrote on 11-16-2004 06:33 PM: I guess, I'd rather be a smart man, than a stupid GIRL. Dumb lil' racergirl, so sad. I guess you couldn't handle all the male attentin going to Letty and maybe because she's a better woman and rider then you'll ever be in a lifetime. I did your daddy ignore you as a child? Is that what is? If you see me somewhere. Please act like you don't know me and I will do the same. Have a nice life and stay away from me. You are an evil girl. Go away!! "
And this is the guy who publicly slams me calling me immature. Can't win the arguement on the board, so you go to PM. Then like the pussy he is turns off his PM function. Whatever dude. I'm not the 38? 40? who the fuck knows, asshole with no job, who spends all my time hanging out with 20 yr olds, try to be "cool". Grow the fuck up Patrick.
U know, I wonder if any of this animosity I get from Patrick has anything to do with the time he told me how in love he was with me and I laughed in his face???? Maybe.
**EDIT 11/19/04**
Man oh man...this guy just can't let it go!! Talk about immature! For someone who hates me so much, he sure can't stay away.
"Yes I'm a smarter MAN and your a stupid lil' GIRL And know you or your childish attitude doesn't matter to me. Have a "slower than cars" ride, babe..."
And this is the guy who publicly slams me calling me immature. Can't win the arguement on the board, so you go to PM. Then like the pussy he is turns off his PM function. Whatever dude. I'm not the 38? 40? who the fuck knows, asshole with no job, who spends all my time hanging out with 20 yr olds, try to be "cool". Grow the fuck up Patrick.
U know, I wonder if any of this animosity I get from Patrick has anything to do with the time he told me how in love he was with me and I laughed in his face???? Maybe.
**EDIT 11/19/04**
Man oh man...this guy just can't let it go!! Talk about immature! For someone who hates me so much, he sure can't stay away.
"Yes I'm a smarter MAN and your a stupid lil' GIRL And know you or your childish attitude doesn't matter to me. Have a "slower than cars" ride, babe..."
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Ode to Justyn

The Mysterious Mr. Black

Oh Justyn, how do I love thee?
I love you even though you sit when you pee!
I love you when you're sick
I love you even though your real name is Dick
I love your glasses and your poor eye sight
I love you when you cry at night
I love you always, but from a far
I loved you even when you locked me in the trunk of your car.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Its called a Group Ride
There's a reason why we call it a group ride, and not a Lets race thru the hills and see if you can catch up ride.
What I like to see in a good group ride:
What I like to see in a good group ride:
- first you start with a lead and sweep. Its the job of the leader to safely lead the group thru whatever course they decided to ride. The ride leader should be an experienced rider and familiar with the roads being ridden. This includes alerting the group to potential up coming hazards, by using universal hand signals. The lead stops the group at checkpoints (usually at course turnpoints) and waits for the sweep to give the thumb up before proceeding. The sweeper's job is to following the group and make sure that no rider is left behind. The sweeper should also be an experienced rider, familiar with the chosen path. The sweeper will also note any unsafe practices and offer suggestions to help the less experienced rider.
- Before the ride gets started, the group should discuss the path they will be taking, and go over basic safety concepts. They should dicuss the pace, following distance, road conditions / hazards, group position, and ride ego. These topics should also be discussed again during checkpoint rests.
- Riding in traffic: this area is a big pet peeve for me. The lead be like the mama duck, leading her ducklings. The lead must remember that he is now a part of a group, not just a solo rider in traffic. Weaving the group in and out of traffic is not a good idea. 99% of the time, that will on ly lead to confusion within the group and at some point, the group getting split up.
more to come, gotta work now!
11/14/04 I was the ride leader??? WTF??!!!

11/14/04 Ride for a cure!

Well I created a little thread for a "so slow it hurts" ride on sunday, and man o man I think everyone in the bay area showed up for it!
We met up at the Santa CLara *$ at 11am, about 20 heads showed up there, and split into two groups up towards Alices. ( i'll post later about the fundamentals of a group ride since my group lead was a total fucktard)
One guy had a minor incident on the way up, but no one was hurt, and the bike was upright again and ready to roll. Re-grouped at 4 Corners, grabbed a few newbies and split off into my own group. Took lead and Timmy was my sweeper.
Finally got to Alices, and there were like at least 50 heads up there! Was this all from my little thread? No way, it can't be! So I had to give the pre-ride speech, yeah I sucked. I forgot about all the safety warnings, ego checks, and ride fundamentals.
I led a small group all around, we had no incidents, but had to stop and have a conversation about DY crossing, riding too close, and looking thru the turns. But still great day!
So enough rambling, I organized ( how did that happen) and I led ( wtf was that all about too??) a group ride.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Scott Peterson found Guilty!!
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - Scott Peterson was convicted Friday of murdering his pregnant wife and dumping her body in San Francisco Bay in what prosecutors portrayed as a cold-blooded attempt to escape marriage and fatherhood for the bachelor life.
Oh shit! Can you beleive it? Not that I don't whole heartedly agree with the verdict, I just didn't think it'd ever happen. Right on! Prepare to burn in hell mutha fucka!
Ok predictions: what do you think will happen to Scott? The jury gave him "special circumstances" so he can get the death penalty. I think he will. Then what about Scotts life in jail? I think he is too much of a pussy to kill himself. I bet he'll have to be seperated from other inmates for awhile, for his safety. I bet he gets fried! Yummmmmm.....pork chop sammiches! Get the fuck outta here!