OP: Corona Bluff
Packed the car up and headed out Friday evening. Stopped at the Dublin Hooters for dinner, then headed on out to our hotel in Sparks. I drove straight thru and got there around midnight....unfortunately, the other party didn't arrive til 0100, so we had to wait in the parking lot for them.
Up bright and early saturday, we headed to our camp ground. Met up with the rest of the players and got ready for that mornings mission.
Here's a shot from above of the camp ground:

The game was U.S. Forces vs. OP4, or ACU"s vs. others LOL. I traded to the OP4 team so I could be with the group I came with. The little action I saw was pretty fun. After about an hour I was soaked in sweat and pretty much over it. The heat was really miserable all weekend. I was resting in the Humvee when a Jeep from the opposing team came running through calling for the medic..that's me! One of their guys had fallen and hit his head...they thought a possible concussion. We headed back to camp and I checked him out. He was ok. Just got a nice knocking around. I hung out with him for the rest of the afternoon mainly, just incase. (plus I didnt really want to go back out LOL)
Eventually another guy from our group came back and we decided to go hiking around the rock in our camp. Pretty amazing up there, and a little bit cooler! I'm surprised I actually went up there considering what a nerd I am about heights.
After the mission was over the troops returned and we brought out the real steel. I shot Ben's no where close to stock AR-15, and Alan's 700PSS. I have a nice reminder on my shoulder / collar bone area from that 700.
Next came the feast.....these boys sure do go all out. I mean I brought some steaks and some corn....they had Fettucine Alfredo, sausages, tri-tip, beans, salad, mashed potatoes, the works! It was amazing!! After we were all fat and happy, they busted out a projector and played "Patton". I could only stay up for about an hour of it, definitely have to finish watching it another day.
Crawled up in my nice new tent and drifted away.....of course thats when the aches from the day started to really be felt. I walked away from the weekend with only a few bruises and scrapes. I did hit my left knee kinda hard when I dropped down to get cover and slammed it on a rock. That one should feel nice for several days :)
Thats basically it. We hit up Cabelas on our way outta town (fabulous store) and that was that!
now a few more pics from the trip: