The Last 10 days: July 10th
Well thats it folks! I am out of days. Its 3pm right now, I have to be at my recruiters office at 4pm. From there I'll get taken to a hotel to stay the night. My recruiter will come back early the next morning for me and take me to MEPS for processing. All goes well, plane ticket, meal ticket, and I'm off. Scary as fuck dont ya think???? Its go time, no looking back.Take care everybody.
The Last 10 days: July 9th
Today was my farewell bbq at Alice's Restaurant.
Took the scenic route up and when we arrived, oh boy was it hot! They had set us up some canopies and picnic benches on the back lawn area..provided some shade, but not nearly enough. Eventually we discovered it was way cooler under the shade of the trees, so yonder we wandered.
The rest of the set up was pretty cool, our won bbq and grille master, water, tea, and soda cooler, plus our own server. Except for the semi-assholeish brother/owner, everything was really nice.
It was super great to just relax, eat, drink, laugh with some friends one last time at what really is the motorcycle mecca in our parts. A lot of people came out, actually a really good group of people came out, couldnt of asked for better company.
Not much else to say about that really with out getting super sappy. After the bbq we went home and cleaned up a little, visited my dad, and then Armen's house to see my kittens one more time. They all seemed to be doing better. Daytona was even brave enough to jump up on the couch and sit with me. Titanium was being a bit of a meanie, so he got a little "talking" to. Josephina was her usual self, though she did look to have lost some weight.
ok, well here's a pic I just love from yesterday:
The Last 10 days: July 8th
Was supposed to go paintballing today, but after drinking too much last night, those plans got axed. Instead had a very lazy morning (much needed too if u ask me) and the went over to Armen's house for some quality momma and kitten time.
The cats are definitley doing better since the last time I saw them. Jospehina seems to be well adjusted and does as she pleases. Kitten is still a little hesitant and not quite his normal "I'm tops around here" self. Daytona slinks around when he sees new people, then reverts back to his hiding spot under the side table. I spent a lot of time with each of them, and I love it when kitten gets comfortable and whines for his momma.
The rest of the afternoon was really just prepping for dinner. Had to go buy the prime rib, but the store only had two pretty pathetic cuts out. I talked to the butcher and he was nice enough to make me a fresh cut. He even cut back and tied the bones for me. Seven pounds later it was a mad rush to get that thing inthe oven! Note to self: never wait til 5 o'clock to put a prime rib in the oven! Dinner was finally ready a little late, but it worked out. There was a lot of food, and by making everyone wait, they were sure to be hungry!
Fat and happy, we went on a walk around the complex to kick start the digestion process. When we came back it was time for dessert. My mom made a "better than sex" cake. I myself, find the concept unappetizing. You start with a basic chocolate cake. Poke holes into it and drizzle in a layer of caramel. Top with whip cream and Heath candy bar chunks. Everyone else may love it, but to me thats pure ick! Anyways, its Kirk's birthday on the 12th, so add a few candles and we all sing.
The Last 10 days: July 7th
OK, so Raging Waters wasn't all that bad, but still a waste of the day. Had to be at the recruiters by 0830 hours. Then off to MEPS by 0900 hours. Dick around there til 1000 hours, and then we headed out. Sat in the sun a bit, went in one kiddy pool, and the Tidal wave pool, then sat in the sun somemore.
Afterwards I took my brother to his friends house, then came home to relax. Took a nap, lazed a bit, then showered to get ready for I planned dinner in Alameda with some friends. Alameda SUCKS! There is this stupid thing called the Webster tube. I hate it. Then you have to exit at the Mariner Square Loop. I hate that too. A few trillion times back and forht throughthe tubes, around all the loops, squares and villages, I found the restaurant, 20 minutes late! Ordered myself one giant margherita, and all was right with the world again. Dinner was a lot of fun. Lots of laughs. Its was a good evening, perfecting for remembering how much fun you could have with your friends.
After dinner we got a small driving tour of Oakland / Alameda, and then we hit up some scary karaoke bar called the Usher Inn. It was pretty much a hole, but the owner or whatever he was was super accomondating to us. Unfortunately for me, the drinks at dinner pretty much did me in. Eventually I had to put myself to bed and puss out on everybody.
Here's Bap, Jmack and I outside the restaurant:
The Last 10 days: July 6th
Waste of a day.
Went to bed late. Had to wake up too early. Got to sleep for another hour after that. Head hurt. Legs hurt. Abs hurt. Right knee hurt.
Went back to school to sell back book that was missing a insert. In one day the buy back price dropped $27..whatever, at least today I didn't have a chinese cow kicking my car. After that had to go to Comcast to return my router. Had my last personal trainer work out. He wanted to waste half the appointment do measurements and body fat calculations that aren't even right, I basically said no and that it was a waste of time, so we went into a circuit training workout. I liked it.
Recruiters in the afternoon for PT. I'm 4 days away from shipping, I walked out of it. There's some mandatory DEPS function tomorrow at 0800 hours at Raging Waters of all places. I dont want to go. I see no reason why I need to waste my day sitting there. Furthermore they are making us pay to get in. I say fuck that shit. Tomorrow I will be 3 days out, and I'm not wasting my day, and not paying to waste my day. They own my ass on the 11th, not the 8th.
Thought I was doing good by taking everyone out to dinner at Black Angus. Guess I'm not even allowed to that. Now its late, I'm mad, and not looking forward to waking up early for more BS.
The Last 10 days: July 5th
Happy Birthday Maggie!!!Oi! only one day later and I'm having trouble remembering how the day started!!! I know I went to school to sell back books, picked up my dry cleaning and film, but how did that take up the whole morning? Oh, I think I did some obsessive cleaning of my mom's Kitchen, yeah that musta been it. Cleaning and errands....typical.In the afternoon I had to be at the Recruiter's office. We headed to my old Jr. High to take the PFA. The minimum:Pushups: 3 (1 minute)Situps: 17 (1 minute)1 Mile: 10:30So the pushups...since I only had to do three, I told em I'd just go to 7 and I did seven and quit. For the situps, I went to 32. My trainer makes me do easily 200+ situps every session. The mile, that was my only fear. I suck at running. I hate running. And I dont know how I did it, but I finished, under time, and I managed to keep a steady trot, even when I was for sure I was gonna have a heart attack and drop dead on the track. So Army PFA, CHECK! I'm not taking the PFC test, I know I can't make the 2 mile run in time. Its my only hold back. Its ok, eventually.Ok, the fun stuff, Maggie's Birthday Party!!! Cat & Pete hosted and everything was wonderful as usual. A little OT discussion for a sec: Cat's cooking. Oh-My-God! I can;t even begin to describe how superbly fantastic everything that Cat cooks is. Everything! It's the best. And everything is made from scratch, no cans, no dehydrated mixes. Last nights menu? Penne Pesto Pasta, Spaghetti & Meatballs, Greek Salad, Spanikopita, Rice Krispy treats, Brownies, Spinach dip, oh and the famous Crab dip! That never stays on the table too long. I tell ya, I was in carb heaven! Ahh, ok back to the parteh! Maggie turned 21, so that was a big milestone for her :p A lot of people showed up and it was nothing but smiles, laughs, and good eats from there. For me it was also an oppertunity to see some folks for the last time, say a goodbye for now. It was a good night.cake!
The Last 10 days: July 4th
July 4th, woo hoo..Happy Independence Day AmericaToday we went to the Alameda County Fair. We go every year. I just love county fairs. And the best part? yeah you know it, its the corndogs! The one day a year, that the purpose of the day is to eat all the great greasy food you want.
It seemed especially nice this year, probably because there crowds were small and the weather was just right. The only thing missing, the petting zoo. Maybe it was because of the holiday, I dont know, but there wasnt any animals for me to cuddle with. I noticed a few booths missing, or lacking should I say....must be becasue of the holiday, we had never been before on the 4th of July, we usually go the weekend before.
My mom said she took this picture as "evidence" to show my kitties that I was looking at dog stuffs. I was totally just on the hunt for an "Attack Kitty" sign!!
This picture of my brother cracks me up! Can you tell he's having a fabulous time at the fair???We left the fair around 1600 hours. I had such a nice nap in the car on the ride home. Today was a nice day. Nothing stressful to do, no running around, gotta love that. Just before bed we went out and lit a few sparklers for fun. We looked so dumb standing in the parking lot running around. oh and tonight I tripped, scraped my toe and it hurts a butt load! If its still swollen and super painful in the morning, I'm gonna rule it broken...that would make 3 times for that toe now!
The Last 10 Days: July 3rd
Monday is it now? Can't keep the days straight when you dont have to work, go to school, or do anything that was your "normal" life for the last 27 years! Lets see...oh yeah...woke up with a killer stomach ache, yet still dragged myself and my brother to the gym. Did light cardio as to not upset the intestinal gods :p My work out with the trainer was a little sucky too, since I was really working at only about half strength. I was disappointed, but what could I do. I was a tad ill with no energy. Went home, showered and had a garden burger, then set out to run my errands. Hit up the bank, and the dry cleaners, then picked up the kid. We moved some stuff into his room, then went grocery shopping. Decided to go for bbq extravaganza! Picked up everything we needed, then headed home to prep all the veggies & meats. Shish-ka-bobs, summer squash, strawberries & kiwi, with a great sparkling pineapple wine from Maui (thanks Alan!), thats dinner done right.
The Last 10 days: July 2nd
So the day before u got up at o-dark-thirty, walked around all day, got home late, went to bed even does one follow that up? Go shooting of course!
Tagged along out to Metcalfe with Armen to meet up with Alan & Lance. Lucky for us the weather was very mild, dare I say down right beautiful!
I started out on the pistol range with my .357. I handed it over to Alan and he had the seer re-worked. It holds alot better now. Defintely safer! Also fired a few on the Sig..but I hate that gun. I never have any consistency with it, dont know what my problem is.
A good pic of Kirk (top) on the new FAL I didnt shoot it, but the word from everyone was that it was "dead on". Have to try it out next time. And Armen with the 700 something or another...dont remember! I usually stay away form the big guns, but I tried it out. It was the end of the day, last 4 rounds left....but I really liked it.
The Last 10 days: July 1st
Today was the SBR Trackday @ Thunderhill.
Armen picked Kirk & I up at 0530 hours and we headed out.
Short stop to pee, and another for breakfast, we were trackside by 0930 hours.
So why did we drive up to a m/c trackday? To sell Raffle tickets what else!!!
Thats us set up in the lunch area after we spent the morning going pit to pit, bothering all the peoples. It paid off though! We made more than half of all funds raised that morning. Any ways, raffle went off at 1715 hours and I think it was a big success. Tired, hot, and stinky, we headed back home with a quick stop in Concord to drop off prize tires to Wendy and late night bite at Applebee's. What a long day, got home after 2200 hours, but I didnt manage to actually get to bed til well past 0100 hours. oh by the way, we ended up collecting a cool $1072 from the raffle, which is all being donated to the AFM Airfence fund! :)